Banner chopThe Chinese Military History Society will hold its 2014 conference in Kansas City on Friday, April 4. The theme of this year's conference is "Military Deception and the Art of the Stratagem." Papers may focus on this aspect of the military history (and literature) of China or any other East Asian country, from antiquity to the present, and comparative work is also welcome. As usual, papers on other subjects related to the military history of East Asia will be considered as well.

The time and place of the 2014 CMHS conference were chosen to facilitate participants' attendance at the 2014 conference of the Society for Military History (SMH), which will be held at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri, from April 3 to 6 (with panels beginning on Friday, April 4). Although there is no registration fee for the CMHS meeting, attendance at the SMH conference requires separate registration and payment of applicable fees. For detailed information about the 2014 SMH conference, please visit <>.

CMHS conference attendees will be eligible for the SMH rate for hotel rooms provided they register to attend the SMH as well.

If you are interested in presenting at the CMHS conference, please send  your name and contact information, a paper abstract of no more than 250 words, and a brief C.V. to David Graff by November 1, 2013.

David A. Graff
Department of History
208 Eisenhower Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 785-532-0366
Fax: 785-532-2045

Interested non-presenters, especially scholars attending the SMH conference, are also welcome to attend the CMHS conference.

Peter Lorge is trying to organize a CMHS panel for the Society for Military History (SMH) 2014 conference in Kansas City (April 3-6).
"The Chinese Legacy of War"
Although battles and wars were an important influence on the
course of Chinese history and culture, they have often been downplayed and
even written out of regular narrative of events. This panel will recover
some of these important events as well as discussing the effects they had
on Chinese society and culture.
If you are interested in joining this panel, please contact Peter directly
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The SMH deadline for panel proposal submissions is
October 1, so you will need to get paper abstracts and contact information to
Peter well before the end of September.

journal cover small

JCMH 2.2, to be published in December 2013, will include the following articles:

Shu-hui Wu, "Fighting for His Majesty (II): The Shang Art of War"

Hyeok Hweon Kang, "Big Heads and Buddhist Demons: The Korean Military Revolution and the Northern Expeditions of 1654 and 1658"


The Chinese Military History Society will hold its 2013 conference at the New Orleans Sheraton on Thursday, March 14, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for Military History. The program will include the following papers:

Laura M. Calkins (Texas Tech University), “Sino-Viet Minh Military Cooperation Along the Border, Early 1949”

Brian J. DeMare (Tulane University), “Rethinking Frontline Propaganda in China’s Revolutionary Wars”

Ines Eben v. Racknitz (Nanjing University), “The China War of 1860: British and French Perceptions of the Qing Army”

Elisabeth Kaske (Carnegie Mellon University), “Is there a Counter-history of the Hunan Army?”

Joshua T. Ku (University of Hawai’i), “Airpower as a Tool of Diplomacy: The Case of the Sino-American Alliance in World War II”

Chi Man KWONG (Hong Kong Baptist University), “‘Worthy Beiyang Soldiers’: Anguojun Officers during the Northern Expedition and beyond, 1925-1949”

Nathan H. Ledbetter (U.S. Army), “Reifying the Barricades: Historiography Issues in the Study of the Battle of Nagashino (1575)”

Xiaobing Li (University of Central Oklahoma), “Demythologizing ‘Human Wave’ Attack: Chinese Spring Offensive Campaign in the Korean War, 1951”

Peter Lorge (Vanderbilt University), “Sourcing Saltpeter in Song Dynasty China”

Ricardo King Sang MAK (Hong Kong Baptist University), “Western Advisers and Late Qing Chinese Military Modernization: A Case Study of Constantin von Hannekan (1854-1925)”

Edward A. McCord (George Washington University), “Soldiers as Vectors of Violence in Warlord Atrocities:  A Social Analysis”

Ronald Chung-yam Po (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg), “Another Frontier: Revisiting the High Qing from a Maritime Perspective”

Eric Setzekorn (George Washington University), “The Military Identityin Late Republican China: Chinese Structures and Ideas of a Global Military Profession, 1945-1949”

Andrew R. Wilson (U.S. Naval War College), “The Three Myths of the Sanbao Eunuch: Re-conceptualizing the Voyages of Zheng He.”