Wicky Tse reports several recent publications:

“Opportunism in Foreign Affairs in First Century BCE China: Chen Tang, His Fellows, and Their Patrons.” T’oung Pao 107 (2021): 233-261.

“Early Imperial China.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. Ed. Tim Wright. New York: Oxford University Press. see webpage

〈亂世中的曙光——錢穆對中古早期歷史的一些看法〉(Ch’ien Mu’s view of early medieval China),載李帆、黃兆強、區志堅主編 《重訪錢穆》(Revisiting Ch’ien Mu) (臺北:秀威資訊科技股份有限 公司), pp. 203-212.

〈在理想與現實之間:《大學衍義補》所見丘濬的軍事觀〉 (Between Ideal and Reality: Qiu Jun’s View of Military Affairs in the Daxue yanyi bu) 《明史研究論叢》 18 (2021): 37-46.

Edward A. McCord reports the publication of “Public Opinion and Warlord Power: The Issue of Troop Demobilization in Early Republican China,” American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 28, no. 2 (2021). He also presented a paper, “Toward a Social History of Modern Chinese Warlordism,” at the 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies,” Leipzig, Germany (virtual), August 25, 2021.

An article co-authored by Nicola Di Cosmo (together with Sebastian Wagner and Ulf Büntgen), "Climate and Environmental Context of the Mongol Invasion of Syria and Defeat at 'Ayn Jālūt (1258-1260 CE)," was published in Erdkunde, vol. 75, no. 2 (2021): 87-104.

Morgan Deane reports two forthcoming publications: Beyond Sun-Tzu: Classical Chinese Debates on War and State Craft (Arsenal of Venice Press, 2022) and "Groping in the Dark: Reassessing Mao Zedong's Leadership," in Studies in Modern Insurgency, edited by Chris Murray (Routledge, 2022).

Dr. Xiaobing Li presented a research paper, "What Did the PLA Learn from the Kinmen, Hainan, and Yijiangshan Landing Campaigns?" at the China Maritime Studies Institute's conference, "Large-scale Amphibious Warfare in Chinese Military Strategy," U.S. Naval War College, May 4-6, 2021. He also presented a paper, "The PLA and Chinese Blockade in the Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1958," at the Society for Military History (SMH) conference, May 21-23, 2021. And he was invited to a guest lecture on his new book, Attack at Chosin: The Chinese Second Offensive in Korea (University of Oklahoma Press, 2020), at the U.S. Army Heritage Center Foundation, June 9, 2021.

Lei Duan, currently a lecturer in Asian history at Arizona State University, has accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position in East Asian history at Sam Houston State University. His article "'Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun': Communist Policies on Mobilizing Armed Masses in Wartime China" will be published by Brill in an edited volume, War and Communism, edited by Tobias Hirschmüller and Frank Jacob.

Esther Hu delivered two academic presentations:

"The Republic of China's Contributions to Allied Victory and the New Global Order, 1941-1953," A New Deal for the World? Global Reconstruction After the Catastrophe, 1945-1955: A Joint Symposium of the International History Institute and the Institute for the Study of War and Democracy, National World War II Museum, December 3, 2019, Boston University, Boston, MA.

"A Reading of Four-Star Chinese Nationalist General Hu Tsung- nan's Love Story (Chapter One)," New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies ("Chinese Thought from the 17th to the 20th Century"), November 1-2, 2019, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH.

 Xiaobing Li published two books and one article in early 2020:

 Attack at Chosin: The Chinese Second Offensive in Korea (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2020).

 East Asia and the West: An Entangled History, by Xiaobing Li, Yi Sun, and Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox (San Diego: Cognella, 2020).

 "China's War for Korea: Geo-strategic Decisions, War-fighting Experience and High-priced Benefits from Intervention, 1950-53," In From the Cold: Reflections on Australia's Korean War, edited by Blaxland, Kelly, and Higgins (Australian National University Press, 2020).

Paul Smith reports his retirement after thirty-six years of teaching at Haverford College, where he first met the young David Graff HC '84: "Over the past years I watched in amazement as you all combined teaching with such productive scholarship. Now that my own teaching has ended I hope to catch up on the research side, by completing my book on Song China's Hundred Years War: War and Transformation in Mid-Song China, 1040-1142. And I vow to be a more active member of the Society, whose collective contributions would not be more timely."