journal cover smallIssue 8.2 of the Journal of Chinese Military History was published in November. It includes five book reviews and the following articles:
  • Kwong Chi Man, "The 'Warlord Officers': A Collective Biography of the Anguojun Officers during the Republican Period and Beyond," pp. 115-158.
  • Sean O'Reilly, "The Noble Enemy: Bravery, Surrender and Suicide in the First Sino-Japanese War," pp. 159-190.
  • Paul van Els and Frank Witkam, "Schoolyard Soldiers: The Art of Adapting the Art of War," pp. 191-224.

The deadline for submissions to be considered for the 2019 Dreyer Prize has been extended until the end of December 2019. For full details about the prize competition, please see the announcement copied below.

The Journal of Chinese Military History invites submissions for the Edward L. Dreyer Prize for the best article in Chinese military history by an early-career scholar. The late Professor Dreyer was a pioneer in the field of Chinese military history, publishing in a variety of historical periods, and an enthusiastic supporter of the Chinese Military History Society from its inception. The initial Dreyer prize was awarded to Shao-yun Yang in 2016 for his article "Letting the Troops Loose: Pillage, Massacres, and Enslavement in Early Tang Warfare." The Journal of Chinese Military History is a peer-reviewed semi-annual that publishes research articles and book reviews. It aims to fill the need for a journal devoted specifically to China’s martial past and takes the broadest possible view of military history, embracing both the study of battles and campaigns and the broader, social-history oriented approaches that have become known as “the new military history.” It aims to publish a balanced mix of articles representing a variety of approaches to both modern and pre-modern Chinese military history. The journal also welcomes comparative and theoretical work as well as studies of the military interactions between China and other states and peoples, including East Asian neighbors such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The prize will be awarded to an academic article of outstanding quality in the field of Chinese military history written by a graduate student or an early-career scholar.The winning article will be published in the 2020 volume (9) of JCMH, and will officially be announced as the prize winner in the journal volume as well as on the journal webpage.The winner will receive a cash prize of 500 USD. In line with JCMH’s general guidelines, submissions should be an original contribution to the field of Chinese military history that is of broad interest; there is no chronological limitation.
Articles should be based extensively on primary research, must not have been previously published in another form or outlet, and should not be currently under consideration by another journal or book series. Essays (between 7,500 and 20,000 words, including footnotes) should comply with the journal’s style sheet. Submissions for the 2019 prize should be sent by 31 December 2019. In order to allow for sufficient time for the peer review process, early submissions are welcomed. Detailed submission instructions can be found at For further information, please contact the editors-in-chief, David A. Graff, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and David Curtis Wright, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The prize is open to graduate students who are currently registered at a higher education institute, or to those who have obtained their doctoral degree after January 1, 2012.

Banner chopThe Chinese Military History Society will hold its 2020 conference in Arlington, Virginia on Thursday, April 30. The theme of this year's conference is “War as the Greatest Affair of State,” focusing on the place of military power and the application of armed force in the larger toolkit of Chinese statecraft, and in Chinese thinking about the character and purpose of the state. Papers may address any historical period from antiquity to the present. As usual, papers are not required to address the conference theme; proposals on other subjects related to the military history of China and other East Asian countries will be considered as well.

The time and place of the 2020 CMHS conference were chosen to facilitate participants' attendance at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Military History (SMH), which will be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA on April 30 to May 3 (with panels beginning on Friday, May 1). Although there is no registration fee for the CMHS meeting, attendance at the SMH conference requires separate registration and payment of applicable fees. For more information about the 2020 SMH conference, please visit .

CMHS conference attendees will be eligible for the SMH rate for hotel rooms provided they register to attend the SMH as well.

If you are interested in presenting at the CMHS conference, please send your name and contact information, a paper abstract of no more than 250 words, and a brief C.V. to David Graff by November 15, 2019.

David A. Graff
Department of History
117 Calvin Hall
802 Mid-Campus Drive South
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-1002
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 785-532-6730

Interested non-presenters, especially scholars attending the SMH conference, are also welcome to attend the CMHS conference.

SocietyforMilitaryHistoryBanner chop

The Chinese Military History Society held its 2019 conference in Columbus, Ohio, on May 9 in conjunction with the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Military History. There were nine papers presented at the conference and they have been posted - please access via Articles - Conference Abstracts.