Timothy May gave two talks in Mongolia this spring: “The Tamma Military Institution in the Mongol Empire,” The Chinggis Khan Museum, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (May 19, 2023), and “The Tamma and Frontier Security in the Mongol Empire,” General Staff, Ministry of Defense, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (May 23, 2023). He also has a publication hot off the press: “Mongol Genocides of the 13th Century,” pp. 498-522 in The Cambridge World History of Genocide, vol. 1, Genocide in the Ancient, Medieval and Premodern Worlds, edited by Tristan Taylor and Ben Kiernan (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Kristin Mulready-Stone will be a Visiting Professor and the Harold K. Johnson Chair in Military History at the U.S. Army War College in 2023-24. Kristin has been on the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College since 2016, but will teach in the Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations at the Army War College and serve as a China expert in the context of the Joint Force shifting its focus from counterinsurgency in the Middle East to strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific.

In addition to "Boats, Barbarians, and Bandits" in the latest issue of JCMH, Kenneth M. Swope has another publication to report: “Revolution or Evolution? Military Development in Early Modern China, ca. 1350-1750,” in Global Military Transformations: Change and Continuity, 1450-1800, edited by Jeremy Black (Rome: Societa Italiana di Storia Militare, 2023), pp. 453-480.

Swope also organized a panel entitled “Games within Games: Intersections of Power & Legitimacy in Asia” for the Society for Global Nineteenth-century World Congress held in Singapore (June 2023), and presented a paper entitled “Yakub Beg, Zuo Zongtang and the Great Game in Central Asia” as part of the panel.

Shao-yun Yang has an essay, "The Song-Jurchen Conflict in Chinese Intellectual History," in a recently published volume edited by Yannis Stouraitis, War and Collective Identities in the Middle Ages: East, West, and Beyond (ARC Humanities Press, 2023). https://www.arc-humanities.org/9781641893626/war-and- collective-identities-in-the-middle-ages/
He has also published two Cambridge Elements on Tang China:

Robin Yates has contributed an article on horses and chariots in early China to a festschrift for Joost van Crouwel, which will be released by BAR Publishing later this summer.

Mike Blake announces the publication of Forces of The Boxer Rebellion & The Eight Power War (Nottingham, UK: Partizan Press, 2022). This is a limited edition, large format hardback, providing a comprehensive account of the conflict and a detailed study of the armies involved. It is very well illustrated and includes a multitude of color uniform plates by Mike Blake, Bob Marrion, and Nick Buxey. The work is split into three volumes: Vol. 1, The Dragon Provoked (240 pages); Vol. 2, The Dragon Rampant (240 pages); Vol. 3, The Dragon Subdued (276 pages).

Fu Yang 傅揚 (History, National Taiwan University) and Michael Hoeckelmann (Chinese Studies, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) will start a new collaborative project titled "Violence and Cultures of Learning in Mid- and Late Tang China (9th–10th Cent.),” funded over two years (2023–25) through the Project-Based Personnel Exchange Programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Taiwan. The project examines reflections on the legitimate use of violence in historical and philosophical writings from Tang China (618–907). It takes texts such as Du You’s 杜佑 (735–812) monumental institutional history Tongdian 通典 as a point of departure and analyses them against the backdrop of the military upheavals (rebellions, civil and interstate wars) of the time. As part of the project, the team (consisting of the two PIs and several students) will conduct research visits and host workshops at NTU and FAU.

Esther Hu has been awarded an academic book contract for a research monograph on Madame Chiang Kai-shek and her contributions during World War II, especially her military contributions. If CHMS members have archival materials that they especially would like her to consider, they should feel free to shoot her an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Peter Lorge reports two publications: a book, Sun Tzu in the West: The Anglo-American Art of War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2023), and an article, “The Martial Temple in the Song,” in History and Anthropology, published online 4 November 2022. Lorge will be an Irregular Warfare Initiative Fellow for 2023 (the IWI, jointly sponsored by the Modern War Institute at West Point and the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project at Princeton, is intended to bridge the gap between academic scholarship and irregular warfare practitioners).