
Military History Consortium
2nd Annual Conference
Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon
4-6 June 2025

Professor Richard Reid, University of Oxford

Call for Papers
The Military History Consortium (MHC) will be holding its second annual conference on 4-6 June 2025 at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal. The organising committee invites panel and individual paper proposals on any aspect of military history and the history of war and conflict in its broadest sense, ranging from ancient to modern times and spanning the entire globe. This includes the cross-chronological interactions between political, economic, social, and cultural history with military history. In line with the MHC’s aims, panels and papers that cover periodically and geographically under-represented areas (e.g. Antiquity and the Global South) are especially welcomed. A key aim of the MHC is also to provide a platform for and support the development of early career scholars, and therefore submissions from PhD students and postdocs are strongly encouraged.

Panel proposals should consist of:
- 3 papers and 1 chair/discussant
- 500 words rationale and presentation of the panel
- 300 words abstract for each paper
- 150 words short bio for each contributor

Individual paper proposals should consist of:

- 300 words abstract
- 150 words short bio

The submission deadline is 15 December 2024. The organising committee will inform potential participants on whether or not their paper/panel has been accepted by 17 January 2025.

Please send your submissions as pdf or word documents by email to Prof. Marco Wyss (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Prof. Evert Kleynhans (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and Prof. Bruno Cardoso Reis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The MHC connects institutions, academics, and students engaged in the study of warfare and/or military organisations in the past. Its dual aim is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas in order to strengthen international research cooperation, and a framework for joint teaching initiatives and programmes. The MHC’s membership is international, and its scope is global. While the consortium’s teaching and research agendas focus on the past, it seeks to address contemporary security challenges and inform related policy debates. It is only the study of war and the military in the past that enables us to understand and contextualise the present and thus prepare for the future.

University of Amsterdam
University of Calgary
Stellenbosch University
Sciences Po Aix
Lancaster University
Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon

journal cover small
Issue 13.1 of the Journal of Chinese Military History was published in May 2024. It includes two book reviews and the following articles:
Liu Xuan, "Post-conquest Society in Shen during the Spring and Autumn Period (c. 770-453 BCE)," pp. 1-25.
Leijia Wu, "A Study on the Battle of Changping," pp. 26-52. 
Matthew Kotowski, "The Battle at Lake Changjin: TheInfluence of Korean War Memory on Contemporary Chinese War Films," pp. 53-92.


The Chinese Military History Society will hold its 2025 conference in Mobile, Alabama on Thursday, March 27. This year’s conference theme will be “Roads Not Taken: Alternative Possibilities in Chinese Military History,” but proposals addressing any topic in the military history of China, broadly defined, are also welcome. Papers may deal with any historical period from antiquity to the present, and proposals on subjects related to the military history of other East Asian countries will be considered as well.

The time and place of the 2025 CMHS conference were chosen to facilitate participants’ attendance at the 2025 annual meeting of the Society for Military History (SMH), which will be held at the Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel and the Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel from March 27 to 30 (with panels beginning on Friday, March 28). Although there is no registration fee for the CMHS meeting, attendance at the SMH conference requires separate registration and payment of applicable fees. For more information about the 2025 SMH conference, please visit <>.

CMHS conference attendees will be eligible for the SMH rate for hotel rooms provided they register to attend the SMH as well.

If you are interested in presenting at the CMHS conference, please send your name and contact information, a paper abstract of no more than 250 words, and a brief C.V. to David Graff by November 15, 2024.

David A. Graff
Department of History
117 Calvin Hall
802 Mid-Campus Drive South
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-1002
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 785-532-6730

Interested non-presenters, especially scholars attending the SMH conference, are also welcome to attend the CMHS conference.